Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Carole Kenyon wrote to Nancy Denofio -
Where do I stand? THEY are TTTOOOOO HIIIIGH!!! For something that should be a basic human right,,, access to medical care...unless of course you subscribe to the survival of the richest...theory of natural selection. Then I think you are probably good with the costs...
43 minutes ago ·

Nancy Denofio - TO - Carole - I AGREE they are TOO HIGH and they continue to increase. Each visit to the drug store, I have noticed the drugs "co-pay" continues to increase higher - month to month. How in the world does the cost to manufactuer the same drug d...ay to day cost the consumer with a co-pay 20 - 30 dollars more? Who is splitting the increase? So you have a co pay, you are taking medication and saving money, no doubt because of coverage - but take the person on many medications, a set income and all of a sudden even a co pay can't be reached? When in our country did we ever see a co pay increase month to month on the same medication used for years. The people are the ones' hurting. Either without coverage, too high coverage, or too sick to even go to any doctor - without insurance. The elderly are still turned away from doctors because they won't except medicare - and no matter what you hear - medicare is changing. Medicaid for those without assets, or job, etc., has less to use for those with long term care, the cost of 24 hour care for those with long term care needs reminds me of the old movie "Born on the 4th of July." When you sit there and no one pays attention. Sincerely, Nancy

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