Saturday, April 23, 2011



1. Tell me if you are sure the amount of money the Government has taken from the top is correct?

2. Tell me, did you know why you doctor said he takes no more patients?

3. Have you checked your bills lately and compare them to the doctors report? Well you had better because I know they are full of add ons. Things you never did have done are listed on your record. I can prove it.

4. Do you ask for your records after each appointment. Do it now.

5. If you do not receive on within four days, call, and another four days, call. They give excuses that aren't REAL.

6. Did you know you were taken during the Bush years on a plan that never did work right, and now, what do you do but spend thousands to get paid for drugs which may never have cost that much to begin with.

7. You could be dying but on medicare Health is nothing, your old, you lived, let them wait... besides they need approval from someone who is sitting behind a desk, who never saw you, who never smiled at you when you walked in the room.

8. YOU MUST BE CAREFUL doctors and surgeons who look after medicare patients never do enough work up like larger non government insurance. Ask them why? Ask them about the tests you use to get and now they are not part of your normal routine. This has happened to others, it will happen to you.

Add what ever is bothing you to this blog. Thanks, Nancy

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Letter to me from a friend, concerning Giffords Shooting

Dear Nancy,

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you about the senseless violence in Tucson today, where a gunman attacked Cong. Gabby Giffords, her staff, and constituents at a public event. As I write, we know that at least one member of Congresswoman Giffords' staff, as well as a young child and other bystanders, were killed in the cold-blooded attack, and Congresswoman Giffords is fighting for her life, following a bullet entering her brain at close range.

Our hearts break for Gabby, her husband Mark Kelly, and her children and family, and we send our thoughts and prayers to Gabby and her family as they endure this tragic experience. I know, because I have read your emails and letters about her, how inspired you all have been by Gabby. She blazed into our lives as the youngest woman ever elected to the Arizona State Senate, and we all rejoiced with her when she won a congressional seat that had been held by Republicans for twenty years. Just a few months ago, we asked for your help as Giffords ran for re-election against tough headwinds -- and with your help, Gabby persevered. We hope and pray she will persevere now, and we ask that you keep Gabby, her family, and the other victims of today's tragic violence in your thoughts and prayers, too.

When the shots were fired, Gabby was doing the job she'd been elected to do. She was meeting with the families she is privileged to represent in Washington and finding out how she could best serve them. And that's who she is -- a dedicated public servant, a fighter for families in Arizona and beyond, and a roll-up-your-sleeves kind of leader.

We may never be able to make sense of the violence today. But I hope we recognize that violence, or threats of violence, or invitations to commit violence against those who serve in government have no place in the political rhetoric of a free and democratic country. Today, I'm reminded of our responsibility to love our neighbors, and to take care of each other.

Those who serve, like Gabby, stand as reminders of our democratic tradition and our insistence on fair representation. In the face of violence, we at EMILY's List stand committed to continued service, and to a country that decries violence and embraces steadfast leadership like that of Cong. Giffords. At this time, we are grateful for the powerful community of EMILY's List members, and we ask that you continue to send your thoughts and prayers to Cong. Gabby Giffords today and in the days to come.


Stephanie Schriock

Griffin Shot and Health Care Pending in Congress. Why?


Congresswoman G. Griffin was gravely shot, point blank, to the head, and the count continues as a man using a high powered rifle went on a rampage at a scheduled event in AZ. this morning, 10 am, their time.

Was I surprised? I am always surprised when someone can take another life, but when I think about Health Care in this Country, the land of the free, I can understand anger when it comes to health care and what has happened in one short year. Anyone, hurt, injured or killed over issues such as this, I will pray for, that she lives, since she knew of the pain and suffering happening in America. My prayers go to her, and her family, may the Congresswoman live, and continue to serve her constituients.

Was I surprised? The pressing subject is Health Care Reform, and the signing planned for this bill this coming week. Most people believed health care reform would help individuals, give them what they needed when it came to quality care, proper care with doctors, medical needs, medications, and all physical care. Unfortunately this has not been the case. When one perceives this essential and important vote come to be, and you are the irritated, angry exasperated, irate individual - your mind can snap. Was this planned? We will not know for some time.

Was I surprised? When you hear evidence on and on of no change, no change but for the worse regarding health care, I guess I knew something had to happen, it's unfortunate this young new generation congresswoman had to be the target of anger.

Over the years I have worked on health care reform when things were not as bad as they are today, today when things should be getting better. Today when we see as Americans billions of dollars going to save another country, instead of saving lives here, in our country. Instead of sitting down and finding some solutions which have been mind boggling, and multiplied I believe the first of the year.

During the first of the year one receives not only new health care rules and regulations from their employee due to big business still wanting to get their share of the gold. The first of the year people receive their tax bills, increased no doubt. They begin to understand it's either medication, or food, it is medication or pay the heat bill. In January most bills are flowing threw the mail, landing on the counter following a hard Christmas for families. Following a notice of foreclosure due to the economy. How much can people take? How much can one person take when they search for jobs, and papers have nothing to offer, where once a section for employment was large and took time to read, circle with red pen. Now, these circles are around total amounts when it comes to all the bills and no additional money. Even those on medicare have not had five cent raise in years. These, those elderly who built this country, were proud of where they lived, their families, and their children. Today these people who were once proud are placed in county homes with no care. Left in their of feces to yell for help, to stand, sit, to see sunlight, and if they are lucky enough to be home, they are alone - if a spouse has died first. As they try to find doctors, these once thriving indivduals are turned away because medicare is going broke, the money from medicare is being handed to big business, the bail out. What has happened, Mom and Pop have no care, no doctors, no medication, nothing left but to die.

This is mushrooming now into the baby boomers reaching retirement age. Many of these individuals are not retiring with high pay, they were not those who received a six figure income. They began ideas, while their children ran to prosper, to expand ideas. So the boomers are now facing the same as those who have been on medicare for years. They visit the CVS and find out they have to pay, the first of the year, a payment in full, until they reach a maximum, since even their second insurence carrier has the restrictions, and Medicare came up with a false hope for seniors about six years ago. Where seniors without extra money had to pay out of pocket over 2500 dollars, to even start to receive any benefits for their input into the system. So the boomers are now receiving both health care insurance - medicare which is first since they are no longer working, and their health care from a former employee. Unfortunately, the first of the year they are learning, they don't have a pot of gold, like big business making their own loop holes. One which is covering young children under their plan without their parents being covered first. So now the children of the baby boomers, children, are hurting.

Small business were given hope, and nothing came to be. They were never given any benefits for running a business, covering medical coverage for their workers, let alone their on family. So their young children are not brought to the doctors office when needed for MRI's because, they are not covered. They are not covered for legs? Tell me, how can an insurance company, where their clients are paying thousands and thousands of dollars, and their spouse, increased six hundred dollars, the first of the year. Imagine, your child has injury to their legs, but unfortunately the health care insurance for a small business, is not enough to cover MRIS, not to say the small business of a reputible business isn't covered either, which means, LEGS are not important when it comes to your body? So what do they do, refuse treatment, the doctor doesn't see you, you are in pain, tests are denied, and then the child or adult is growing worse - and their need for medical assistance will only grow, or they will suffer the rest of their life.

There is no reason to shoot anyone, I was one who also was against certain guns allowed to be carried. Hunting is not a high powered machine gun. I will make it known, guns do not belong anywhere around children, far too many accidents happen because children are curious. I hope Congresswoman Griffin survives, and has a wonderful life. I hope she has all it takes to fight for the new generation in congress.

The new generation in congress is one who believes in issues, not in party. But the old GOP and others will not take this announcement. And, they reveal it on all the radio and talk shows who will listen. The newspaperman is looking for the best interview, to fight with the man or woman - who may be voting on a bill that day. It rolls and rolls over and over like a child on grass - tumbling and tumbling until the bottom of the hill has been reached.

The new generation believes they should listen to the people, and what do they hear - the TRUTH. That's what is wrong, the TRUTH. Unfortunate as it is, you can check it out yourself, once they showed the tax on gasoline, but in NY when you fill your tank you receive the total, not broken down, who is getting the extra money... and when the gas hit three dollars, it was hard for young families to survive, like the oldest of the country. Now that it has reached five dollars in some areas, no one is heard, not one newsman has talked about the price rising and rising, and did you walk down the asile for Christmas Cookies this year - those home made you use to make your children, and suddenly, the cost of sugar is in three piles. SUGAR. Why? Did you ever buy a six dollar one ounce bottle of flavoring, for frosting? Six dollars. No one complains. You see, we are not all equal - why, because we are not equal. We have Big Business the winners in the health field. The doctors, less in school, less taking medicare patients, less taking patients at all because they are threatened by the insurance company.

So, all generations are hurt. All individuals are guilty when they continue to make it known their company is increasing costs to those who can hardly breathe at times, and these with long term care, on many expensive drugs are on medicare or medicaid. No one can pay long term care help, 24 hours a day let alone a place to sleep, and drugs to sleep.

What can be done? Who provoked this act - this act which is an issue, one that keeps you and your family alive? What can be done? Who should be irritated but those who worked all their life and have nothing. I will not repeat the above, but think hard.

My feeling, for over eight years we spent at time one billion dollars a day to fight a country to change their practices, their way of life, and what would we do, well - look at it today - congress wants to change our life because the money is going to their re election, not to the people from their district. Not to research for better help, new tests, new surgery, and better doctors. No, the money from the war, is a direct hit on the freedom we have as Americans. Here we are trying to make them a better country when our country is falling apart. This isn't an issue from one side of the asile to the other, it is about politics. Politics and our system needs a complete over haul. We need to listen to those we elect since they have heard the concerns, but then today happens.

Tell me - this shooter isn't going to be the only one. This isn't going to be the end of terror in our own country, because we are now the ones who are losing the game, the war. We are given less, they are getting more. Men are taking trip after trip to kill people, to kill them, not make them better. To bomb, to blast a camp, like we were back during the civil war. It is a civil war, but a war of this century, and last.

I would suggest, as a mother, advocate for health care, quality of care, the right care for seniors and children, and small business. As a mother who worries when a child doesn't get the right treatment because the doctor will cover up the truth - and people like myself with long term care needs, who has found all of the above, part of my life. So as an advocate, I am angry that no one has pressed many of these urgent issues. They accept what they hear until the bills arrive, and then - presto they go crazy, they learn that they lose a job, bill pile up, what do they do, they hear all the noise on the news, who do they go after but those who are suggested the cause of the problem.

Oh yes, I could go on forever. Forever I have been writing and talking, seeking a better way to take care of this country, and this was before this war when we had excess in money, our government was doing great. We weren't paying high prices, and jobs were plenty, so who is to blame... you tell me.

Nancy Duci Denofio