Saturday, April 23, 2011



1. Tell me if you are sure the amount of money the Government has taken from the top is correct?

2. Tell me, did you know why you doctor said he takes no more patients?

3. Have you checked your bills lately and compare them to the doctors report? Well you had better because I know they are full of add ons. Things you never did have done are listed on your record. I can prove it.

4. Do you ask for your records after each appointment. Do it now.

5. If you do not receive on within four days, call, and another four days, call. They give excuses that aren't REAL.

6. Did you know you were taken during the Bush years on a plan that never did work right, and now, what do you do but spend thousands to get paid for drugs which may never have cost that much to begin with.

7. You could be dying but on medicare Health is nothing, your old, you lived, let them wait... besides they need approval from someone who is sitting behind a desk, who never saw you, who never smiled at you when you walked in the room.

8. YOU MUST BE CAREFUL doctors and surgeons who look after medicare patients never do enough work up like larger non government insurance. Ask them why? Ask them about the tests you use to get and now they are not part of your normal routine. This has happened to others, it will happen to you.

Add what ever is bothing you to this blog. Thanks, Nancy

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