Monday, December 27, 2010

World of Poetry!!: Hope!!!!!!!!!

World of Poetry!!: Hope!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The New England Journal of Medicine December 16, 2010 on page 2458 - important information concerning the use of Teriparatide for bone loss, although they mention Jaw it continues to mention osteoporosis and patients treated with this drug. The drug is primarily for inhibiting bone resorption, increases bone density and bone formation.

    Currently studies after two years have been released evidence - of the risk of osteosarcoma. (Cancer)

    The FDA has asked the drug manufacturer to place a black box on the cardboard box where the pill is delivered to the patient.

    Other news concerning this drug and the medical reasons for using this and taking a chance with cancer as the final outcome is explained.

    I myself, have had the diagnosis of osteoporsis for years and have resisted taking this medication. For some reason, after the first try, something told me there had to be another way - and that was swimming. I felt the drug was being pushed by the reps to the docs. and everyone was suddenly on this drug for osteoporosis.

    Remember when Premarin which is still given to women at the menopause stage of life - was pushed down their throats as doctors said they had to take it or be forty over night - workds from my doctors mouth, although unfortunate as it was, I had a complete hysterectomy at the age of 25, which would have ment years on this drug which now they believe is a strong reason for BREAST CANCER. I knew then, through the words of my mother who passed away young with Breast Cancer - when she said, don't take those pills.

    So when warnings appear it is only right that the public are aware of these warnings, when we know a huge amount of people both womena and men - are using some type of drug for osteoporosis. Thinning of the bones.

    Be sure to check with your doctor - but then again, my doctors have always told me to use this and that. I don't always do as I am told when it comes to large quanities of drugs given out to far too many individuals when it was new on the market.

    Your thoughts on this is important.

    Nancy Duci Denofio
