Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Health Care Reform

They are at the table, and they are planning your future. Don't you think it's time the we the people have the right to know and discuss our future concerning healthcare? - don't you think it is time that we the people can be treated equal? Don't you think that we the people have rights to approve or disapprove how the government controls our health care?

We the people have voted for those in charge, but far too often they side step with the party and go along for the parties sake, and not the sake of the people. Health Care is one place this has happened, and will continue to happen...

Perhaps, we the people should have the right to choose, without leaving out those with pre existing conditions, or denying drugs for those with long term care needs, or seniors...

I have a good friend, and you might too... she is living with ALS, and because of health care within her state, she cannot continue to live at home because they believe who has helped her for years are now not qualified, so they want to place her in a nursing home. Her parents, would take her in, being in their eighties, they will use all their money they saved to help their daughter, and most parents would do this... but can't we find a way to help people with issues? Can't we see that those with long term care issues have a health plan cheap enough to live the last years of their life, in peace, the way they would want to live?

The list goes on, and on... Why do seniors work all their life only to do without when they need it?

We the people have the right to know, and we don't know all the insides to each party and their choice for health care, what they are now debating. Will we ever?

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